Arfit Spotlight: Meet Ada, an 11-year-old female Pit Bull Terrier. Ada has been struggling with a cervical spine injury, which has caused her significant discomfort. Recently, she started yelping in pain at night, and a neck injury was suspected. She also yelps when she tries to shake her head or side bend to the left.
Upon examining Ada, I found moderate muscle spasming in the left multifidi at C3-5 and the left elevator scapulae. These spasms were clearly causing her pain. Additionally, I observed reduced mobility when I attempted side glides to the left and right in her cervical spine. These findings confirmed the suspicion of a cervical injury.
To address her pain and improve mobility, we began a treatment plan involving manual therapy, dry needling, and laser therapy. Spinal mobilization was performed on her cervical and thoracic spines, along with the scapula. We also incorporated side-bending exercises away from the side of pain to help her move more freely and reduce discomfort.
Ada’s owner has already seen some improvement. After the first treatment, she was still yelping at night but was able to move her head with less difficulty. She could shake and turn her head without yelping, which was a huge positive sign.
We are continuing with the treatment plan and monitoring Ada’s progress closely. She has a well earned Arfit Spotlight status and each session brings noticeable improvements, and we’re optimistic about her recovery. With continued care, we’re confident she will regain better mobility and feel more comfortable.
Stay tuned for updates on Ada’s progress. We’re excited to see her continue to improve and live a pain-free life!