Acupuncture versus dry needling – Which is better?

dry needling

Acupuncture and Dry Needling are similar in that they both use acupuncture needles for treatment. But that’s where the similarities end. 

Acupuncture is a very old practice that originated in the East thousands of years ago. According to Chinese medicine, it treats many conditions by aligning the meridians or energy fields of the body.

Dr. Janet Travelle accidentally created dry needling in the 1940s. During her research on trigger point injection she used different types of numbing agents injected into trigger points to determine the benefits of numbing these trigger points to relieve musculoskeletal pain. She noticed that the control group that received needle injections without any medication was also getting benefit. The term “dry needle” was used to describe the treatment as there was no medication being transmitted through the needle.  After to this discovery, they determined that using acupuncture needles was just as effective. 

How do Acupuncture and Dry Needling work? 

Acupuncture follows a traditional Chinese medicine system of treatment. Placing needles superficially along energy lines mapped throughout the body. In many cases, needles are placed all over the body to treat areas of organ dysfunction, headaches, as well as a variety of digestive and pain issues. The effects can take several days to provide full relief.

Dry needling is a more direct approach to muscular-skeletal dysfunction. Dry needling involves inserting needles directly into the area of discomfort. Many times, the practitioner palpates a trigger point before injecting it with the acupuncture needle. The results are dramatic and instantaneous, providing improved movement, muscle relaxation, pain relief, and increased flexibility for your dog.

Which one do I choose for my dog?

If your dog is suffering, from a general medical condition, lack of appetite or nausea, acupuncture would be more suitable.  

If your dog is suffering, from any type of musculoskeletal pain, such as low back pain, lameness, stiffness, difficulty getting up, lying down, movement issues, fatigue, restlessness at night, or any other condition that affects their movement and comfort,  Dry Needling is most effective.

At Arfit, we use dry needling as a part of our comprehensive rehabilitation program. We see dramatic results in range of motion, function, and overall well-being.

If you are interested in giving dry needling a try, call us for an appointment or visit the Conditions we Treat page to learn more.

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